Many have been asking me, about my AD experience for 2018-19 and how did i go about it. So i made a checklist of what i did and what to expect. (no particular order). So first Congratulations on your new journey, it will be fun, exciting, crazy, awesome,overwhelming and more
- Understand why did you sign up for AD role? to help? to get your dtm credit? for popularity? or whatever your goal is …
- Prioritize the above chosen goals and try to insert “service” into them, if its not there.
- Get Trained, there will be a leadership training by District in June before your term starts. Dont miss this!!!
- Remember you are considered AD-Elect before 1st July… you have no say in anything until 1st July. But can plan and review.
- Your District will give you a ribbon (Home club of the Area Director) .. give it to your home club or club that deserves it for supporting you.
- District will give you a pin, wear it proudly for events… i was too shy to wear it, until i found out how important it was and a rule by TI (to wear your pins and badges).
- Do not ignore, your own TI Journey, many will look up to you as role model.
- Start planning your Area Activities in advance of your term and plan for 18 months as a transitioning too
- Make a Area Success plan, your District will ask for it anytime.
- Understand all the clubs under your area, meet the current EXCOM, and meet the new Excom , understand the challenges of the clubs, their members. Have coffee with the members
- You are a servant leader, not a police man. Dont make members feel that they are under scrutiny.
- Have Fun… enjoy the journey…
- Choose your Contest date ASAP … and start looking for venues
- Start looking for the “New club” and look for atleast 2. Dont wait last minute.
- Take your division director for dinner, he/she is your best friend. they will approve your bills for payments from district. They can also help you with resources from district.
- You are paid a certain amount from district for your contest and other activities. please find out what they are ,and how to go about with it.
- Area awards will be released, work to achieve it, but dont compete with others. We are here to make leaders, not Olympians!
- Start telling the clubs about the contests as early as possible, let them prepare their champions in advance, not 1 day before the contest. If you want your Area member to be at the district conference, start early.
- Start building relations with companies or corporates that could help you with a sponsorship for your contest or other events.
- Try to do something different , do Area level workshops, training programs and more for the community.
- Do atleast 2 openhouses or PR events per year.
- Visit your clubs in your area. not necessarily for the AD visit. Visit them as regularly as possible. Take up backup roles if they dont have enough members to do it. Provide them with role players from external clubs to fill up the agenda, if the club needs to do so.
- Recognition of your club leaders, members is a key ingredient to encourage them.
- Encourage your clubs to make a club success plan and follow them weekly and guide the clubs with the necessary strategies to succeed
- Breakdown TI , District Awards and help your clubs and their members to achieve them. The more the merrier
- Sit with your club presidents and others, and help them guide members win triple crowns, and other educational achievements
- Help clubs sort out difficulties by talking to TI, District or Division leaders to resolve club issues.
- Invite District and Division Leaders to your area club meetings and encourage members to meet and engage discussions with them.
- Participate in District Excom and Council meetings, Vote for the right direction and improve the TI fratenity.
- Support other Area Directors , help them with their challenges .
- Have Regular Council meetings to understand club difficulties and challenges and give clubs an opportunity to present their achievements during such meetings.
- Groom new leaders within clubs to take up bigger roles.
- Groom your successor and start training them to take up the AD role for next term.
- Work with your Assistant team leaders to support you, delegate challenging scenarios and help them achieve.
- Fill your AD Reports on time for district to process them.
- Read the handbook, Code of Practice, Parliamentary rules and guide clubs to follow them.
- Have fun… did i say this already?
- Stand for your members in times they are challenged or have difficulties. You will be their role model and go to person in times of need.
- Help new clubs charter , from documentation to orientations.
- Ensure all clubs do their COT training, Prepare excoms to know the TI and District calendar of events.
- Bridge any gaps in your area clubs. Let them mingle amongst the clubs, attend each other events, build a bond among them. Let them help each other. Show they are 1 as an AREA.
- Guide the clubs to achieve their DCP goals as soon as possible in the year.
- Help clubs to gain new members, if any members need help, do reach out.
- Help clubs with resources, trainings, workshops and more.
- Get involved to help clubs resolve disputes (IF they ask you) , involve senior leaders if need be.
- Keep your hardcopies of bills to be presented to district finance or they will not approve your bill claims.
- Build your social media channels, and other opportunities to recognise your club members.
- Monitor, review and observe the clubs regularly, use tools like excel, TI Dashboards etc to make your own customized reports to strategize and plan the clubs and Area success.
- Dont feel shy to ask for help.
- Lastly … learn from this journey and apply it in your real life, Work, family, career….and grow!