AAP Benaulim? Showing the other cheek?

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Looks like the soap opera of AAP Benaulim doesnt seem to want to end. In a recent discussion, looks like some of the noise makers, want to bring back the rebels who left AAP, the activist and their teams(who even formed another party). Basically he wants to make friends with the enemies. The enemies who troubled AAP and who distorted the image of our AAP Benaulim candidate and troubled her personally. “Frenemies” are dangerous!

Why does these so called coordinators and volunteers want the enemies back? Isnt one time stabbing us not enough?  is this the way to make amendments? got slapped once, now show the other cheek?

Looks like there is more than meets the eye. AAP leaders need to put this in order. We need to protect our AAP candidate from such dangers!

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