One of my recent articles “Did Wolves slow down AAP Benaulim” seems to be spidering its way all over Media from whatsapp to mainstream social media. Infact i get a lot of traffic from that one article.
Some People started asking questions.
- Why is he hiding behind the title NRI Goan? Ans : i never hide, this is my blog as rayboy/raymond , people know me, i post my blog articles on my fb page. if i share it, i share it as Raymond. So dear wolves, i never hide the truth. its out there in the open.
- Why is he calling me “wolves” we worked so hard and this is the result? Ans: i never named anyone, i explained the experience and the analysis of the result. We spent so much time fighting internal issues, that slowed down our real efforts in reaching out to our people. if you say i called you a wolf , then do you fit the descriptions in the post? are you the wolf? you say so yourself. 🙂
- Why am i exposing all of this? Ans : This is not an expose, this is an experience. This is what i have seen happen, all the points are direct experience with me directly. Not rumors, not gossip, not hearsay. Directly involvement with me. Shouldnt i talk about my experiences? we should all learn from our experiences.
- He must be paid to write this. Ans : This seems to be the easiest way to blame someone. All those who worked closely with me, know how many threats and offers i got to work against AAP. if i had taken up those offers, i would have been rich and part of a winning political party. But i would have lost my soul.
So , when i write about my experiences, it is wrong in the eyes of many, but when im down right crucified in front AAP state leaders , its ok for them. Hypocrisy in the highest form.
So while we sleep, wolves are howling on midnight whatsapp rounds and they have no guts to talk to me directly.