The Gift of Teaching

Teaching is often seen as a gift, a chance to share knowledge and see others grow. It’s a calling that comes from deep within, driven...

Goa: A Holistic Playground for Children

Goa has so much to offer children, far beyond just schools and academics. It’s a place where learning happens not just in classrooms but through...

Will i loose my life to AI?

In recent times, we’ve all heard the buzz and rising concerns surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI). From the story of Skynet in Terminator to apocalyptic predictions...

Finding Calm Amidst Career Evolution

Reaching a certain level in your career and intellectual development can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. You become a go-getter, a solution provider, someone who...

The Journey So far

Today, I realized that I haven’t written since December 2023. It’s easy to blame this lapse on the myriad challenges life has thrown my way—from...